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You don't know me - Mehek Azra

In 2017, I left my childhood behind,

I had to leave the land of traditions and culture

and start a new life in America.

But it was hard. Harder than I thought

It was like sleeping in a bed full of roses but

with the thorns constantly pricking my skin.

I was excited to step into a new path of life

not being ready to face the hardships

that will come along the way.

I came here for a better future,

However, I did not feel welcomed.

I tried to fit into my new life,

But it seemed like,

the new life didn’t want to accept me.

“Can she even speak english” is what they

would ask,

Little did they know that it is the language

that I find comfort in.

They remained in ignorance,

not seeing beyond my ethnicity.

Sitting in a noisy cafeteria,

With no one to talk to.

There was complete chaos in my mind,

yet couldn’t get words out of my mouth.

My days being full of meaningless

and dull conversations,

Or getting offensive stares by

my fellow classmates.

I felt like I was walking on the beach,

and falling helplessly in quicksand.

I became a prisoner in my own mind.

There’re a lot I wish I would’ve said

But this is all I can say for now,

I am more than what you see

And I know more than I tell.

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